Thursday, 17 July 2014

NASA says discovering alien life in next 20 years is 'within reach'

As NASA prepares to launch a powerful new satellite into space, a team of experts from America’s space agency said it's increasingly likely that alien life will be discovered within 20 years.
In a posting on its site, NASA said the new research tools will show that “finding life beyond Earth is within reach.”
“I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe,” NASA astronomer Kevin Hand said during a panel discussion at NASA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Hand pointed to growing evidence suggesting that some form of alien life may be in our own galactic neighborhood on Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons that is home to massive amounts of water.
NASA announced that it plans to launch the Transiting Exoplanet Surveying Satellite and James Webb Space Telescope in 2017, which will work in conjunction with other existing technology to search for habitable, Earth-like planets within the Milky Way galaxy.
“Just imagine the moment, when we find potential signatures of life. Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realizes that its long loneliness in time and space may be over,” added Matt Mountain, director and Webb telescope scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.
So, why is NASA so confident that habitable worlds and alien life exist within our own galaxy?
"Sometime in the near future, people will be able to point to a star and say, 'That star has a planet like Earth'," said Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "Astronomers think it is very likely that every single star in our Milky Way galaxy has at least one planet."
Based on those predictions, NASA believes that there could be literally 100 million planets within our own galaxy alone that could host life.
“What we didn’t know five years ago is that perhaps 10 to 20 per cent of stars around us have Earth-size planets in the habitable zone,” Mountain said during the panel discussion. “It’s within our grasp to pull off a discovery that will change the world forever.”
Follow Eric Pfeiffer on Twitter (@ericpfeiffer)
Source: Yahoo! News

Friday, 11 July 2014

Former President of USA Ronald Reagon speech in UN General Assembly warning us on alien threat

Below is the link of speeches of former President of USA Ronald Reagon mentioning threat from alien invasion. He has spoken of alien threat on various occasions. Yet at that time he was mocked and said to be an actor living in fantasy world but now as the UFO or alien ship sightings have raised up to millions per year in almost every part of the world, we really think that we may face a threat from outside this world. Our governments are reluctant to face this issue in serious terms and they seem not prepared for this kind of threat.

Please click the below link to watch the video.

NSA documents on UFO

NSA has revealed some of the documents and reports under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) regarding UFOs. These documents stating various incidents involving UFO sightings and possible explanations. These documents have highlighted the following sightings;

1. Roswell Incident in July, 1947
2. Iran UFO Case in November, 1976
3. Cuba Sighting US Navy in August, 1964
4. UFO Crash in Republic of Congo in October, 1963
5. UFO Sighting in Japan in May, 1966

Here is the link of NSA Website to read the documents;

Sunday, 6 July 2014

2004 Mexican Air Force famous UFO incident

On May 13, 2004 Jaime Maussan released his interview of Mexican Air Force pilots showing an infrared video footage from a military air patrol on March 5, 2004 to search for drug-running planes, that shows at least 11 very hot "spheres" moving irregularly with apparent great speed. The objects could not be seen with the naked eye, neither the crew on board nor ground personnel confirmed any radar contact with the objects in question. The crew did however pick up an earlier radar contact of an object moving at 60 mph which was later described as a lonely truck on the highway below which has been located to the front of the two engine Merlin C26A aircraft whereas the infrared targets were picked up through a dome mounted IR-system a little later at abt. -130° azimuth relative to the aircraft's flight direction in its 8 o'clock position.
By a close look, we can find the objects are looking same as we have seen objects in STS-75 mission around broken teether.

Watch the video by clicking below link;

UFO Sighting Over Lahore on April 27, 2009

On the night of 27 April of this year in the skies above Lahore in Pakistan. In what might go down as the most dramatic UFO incident captured on film this year a massive craft described as the size of a sports field was seen and filmed (Below) doing maneuvers that have been described as 'not of this planet'.

The "Mothership' style UFO was undoubtedly seen by countless residents and many reports of the event can be read on the internet. One local blogger who saw the UFO writes: 'It was as big as 5 cricket fields, even bigger. An airplane passed under it which will make you understand the immense size of this thing. It hovered really slowly over Cantonment and DHA area then disappeared into the sky in a flash. Everyone in my street saw it and many people made videos too. When we had the army over they just said it wasn't anything to worry about, it was probably flares. I never seen flares in my life maneuver around the sky in unison with each other and then go in to space within a second. I never believed in aliens before but now, I sure do.'

Watch the video by clicking below link; 

Mysterious UFO Pakistan, december 2010.must see

Mysterious UFO formation spotted over Pakistan, december 2010.

Watch the video by clicking below link;

Black Knight Satellite Encounter during STS-88 Mission

Stories say it's up there in the blackness right now, just outside the Earth's glow. It tumbles slowly and deliberately through the darkness, sweeping smoothly along its unrelenting orbit. The Earth spins below, largely unaware of its unauthorized parasitic visitor. It is the Black Knight satellite, a mysterious object cirling the Earth, of unknown (and possibly alien) origin — the story says it's up there right now, and has been for 13,000 years.
Like so many stories of weird phenomena, the Black Knight satellite legend starts with Nicola Tesla. It's said that he picked up a repeating radio signal in 1899, that he believed was coming from space, and said so publicly at a conference. In the 1920s, amateur HAM radio operators were able to receive this same signal. Next, scientists in Oslo, Norway experimenting with short wave transmissions into space in 1928, began picking up Long Delay Echoes (LDEs), a not fully understood phenomenon in which they received echoes several seconds after transmission. The apparent explanation finally came in 1954 when newspapers (including the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner) reported an announcement from the US Air Force that two satellites were found to be orbiting the Earth, at a time when no nation yet had the ability to launch them. It appeared that Black Knight had been detected by multiple lines of evidence, and was confirmed by the US Air Force.
By 1960, both the United States and the Soviet Union had hardware in orbit. But on February 11, 1960, newspapers everywhere reported some alarming news: that somebody else also had something in orbit. A radar screen, designed by the US Navy to detect enemy spy satellites, had picked something up. It was described as a dark, tumbling object. It wasn't ours, and it wasn't the Soviets' either.
The next day, newspapers reported a bit more information. The mysterious object was orbiting at about 79 degrees off from the equator, not the 90 degrees of a proper polar orbit. Its orbit was also highly eccentric, with an apogee of 1,728 km but a perigee of only 216 km. The object made a complete orbit every 104.5 minutes.
At the time, the Navy was tracking one known casing from an old Discoverer launch, a half shell a bit less than 6 meters long. Discoverer VIII had launched on November 20, 1959, a stepping stone toward launching a man into space and then recovering him in a parachuting capsule. The launch went as planned, but its mission to eject its 136 kg capsule didn't go so well. The capsule's casings came off as planned, but the capsule itself went astray into an orbit somewhat similar to that of the mystery object, and was eventually declared lost. The Navy tracked one of the casings, which was then orbiting every 103 minutes at 80 degrees, with an apogee of 950 km and a perigee of 187 km. Black Knight's object was similar, but not exactly the same.
And then, in 1963, astronaut Gordon Cooper reported seeing a greenish UFO during his 15th orbit on board Mercury 9. It was witnessed on the radar screens by approximately 100 people at NASA's Muchea Tracking Station near Perth, Australia. An official explanation given later was that Cooper's electronics malfunctioned, and he breathed in too much CO2 which gave him hallucinations. Black Knight's reality seemed to be undeniable.
In 1973, Scottish researcher Duncan Lunan wanted to know for certain. He went back to the Norwegian scientists' LDE data and analyzed it. Lunan discovered that it was a star chart pointing the way to Epsilon Boötis, a double star in the constellation of Boötes. Whatever Black Knight was, it appeared to be transmitting an invitation from the people of Epsilon Boötis, an invitation that was 12,600 years old, according to Lunan's analysis.
The final piece of proof came in 1998, when the space shuttle Endeavor made its first flight to the International Space Station on flight STS-88. Astronauts aboard Endeavor took many photographs of a strange object, which were widely available to the public on the NASA website. But soon the photographs all disappeared. They reappeared some time later, with new URLs, and with various descriptions explaining them all away as pieces of debris or space junk. The photographs were of high quality and unmistakably showed some type of craft. Since then we've known just about all there is to know about Black Knight. We know what it looks like, where it came from, when it came, its purpose as an ambassador, and it's been endorsed by so many reliable witnesses in the space program.
So then, why does nobody know about it; and why does NASA fail to acknowledge its existence?
What a great story. The idea of a 13,000-year-old alien satellite orbiting the Earth is about as exciting as it can get. People often accuse me of debunking stories like this, but I don't see it that way at all. I simply want to know more. I want to open the box wider and learn what's really going on. I don't want to stop here and say "That sounds weird"; I want to learn the solution to the mystery. To those of you who dismiss this as debunking, I really have to say I don't understand why learning the whole story is seen as a negative process. I'm excited by it, and I was excited to learn what's behind the Black Knight satellite. Here's what I found.
It turns out that all the bits of history making up the story of Black Knight are unrelated. The phrase "black knight" is so common that I was unable to determine when that name first became a part of the story. It seems improbable that the name would have come from any spacefaring nations at the time, as it's such a common name and has probably been assigned to any number of real projects. From 1958 through 1965, the United Kingdom launched 22 rockets in a program named Black Knight, intended to test various re-entry vehicles. But Black Knight never put anything into orbit; indeed, its second stage fired on the way down, not the way up, to better stress the re-entry vehicle. Take that name out of the equation, and all the links of the chain fall apart. All the events said to be connected to the Black Knight satellite were well documented on their own, and none (at the time) made any mention of such a name.
Nicola Tesla did indeed pick up rhythmic radio signals in 1899, and he did believe they came from space. Today we believe he was correct, and that what he picked up were pulsars, giant deep space sources of pulsing radio signals that were formally discovered in 1968. As pulsars were unknown in Tesla's day, he did his best to explain what he thought they might be: intelligent but undeciphered signals.
The Norwegian scientists did indeed receive LDE radio reflections, and their cause remains nearly as much a mystery today as it did then. Today we have five probable explanations, any or all of which may be responsible for some LDEs, and they mostly pertain to strange effects in the Earth's ionosphere. They are among about 15 plausible explanations. None of these includes orbiting alien satellites; although if an alien satellite elected to enter our orbit, record our transmissions, and transmit them back to us 8 seconds later, it could well have the same effect.
When Duncan Lunan did his translation of the LDE data in 1973 and came up with the star map, he never had any thought of Black Knight or any other strange polar satellite. In fact his interpretation was that the LDEs were coming from the Earth's L5 Lagrangian point. L4 and L5 are two points along the moon's orbit, one 60° ahead of it and the other 60° behind, which are stable and where gravimetric effects from the Earth and Moon will hold an object in steady orbit. Moreover, Lunan later acknowledged that his method was not only unscientific but that he'd made outright errors, and retracted it. So despite today's pop-culture story, there never has been any reasonable interpretation of anything connecting Epsilon Boötis to either a mysterious satellite or to a date of 12,600 years ago.
Those 1954 newspaper reports of two satellites in orbit? It was merely tongue-in-cheek reporting of the wild claims of a UFO crank trying to sell a book. The Air Force officer cited was merely a guy who had seen a UFO once, but in no way corroborated the idea of unknown satellites orbiting Earth. Nothing to do with the alleged Black Knight.
The most interesting part of the story was in 1960, when the Discoverer satellites were being launched. Secretary of the Air Force Dudley Sharp told newspapers that this new mystery object was probably the second casing from Discoverer VIII, the twin of the known piece they were already tracking, as it was the right size and in about the right place. This was soon confirmed. TIME magazine even reported the identification, but since a mundane explanation is not as exciting as a mystery object, it was back page news.
And there's another interesting footnote about the Discoverer program. In 1992, a Central Intelligence Agency program called Corona was declassified, and revealed that the Discoverer rockets were not about launching guys into space at all, but were actually carrying Corona spy satellites. The reason to use a polar orbit is that the craft eventually flies over every part of the Earth, and it's possible to photograph everything; unlike conventional semi-equatorial orbits that can only cover within a certain range of latitude. Back in those days there was no such thing as transmitting digital images back to Earth, so film cameras had to be used, and the film had to be dropped back to Earth to be developed and studied. The Corona KH-1 camera would de-orbit, pop a parachute, and then the parachute would be captured mid-air by a JC-130 recovery aircraft.

So although the entire Discoverer program was a front, the launches and results reported in newspapers at the time were indeed correct according to what was later declassified. The Corona camera aboard Discoverer VIII was indeed lost exactly as reported in the 1960 newspapers, and its casings and their eccentric orbit were also correctly reported.
So what was it that Gordon Cooper saw from Mercury 9, and that was corroborated by all those radar operators? According to Cooper himself (who died in 2004), what he saw was nothing at all. But make no mistake, Gordon Cooper reported seeing many UFOs during his flight career. He remains adamant about a fleet of UFOs that he says flew overhead while he was stationed in Germany, though nobody else there reports having known anything about it. But Cooper is also adamant that the Mercury 9 UFO — his supposed sighting of a greenish Black Knight in 1963 — is a complete fabrication by UFO authors that never happened. He offered all the transcripts, including his own originals, as proof that no such thing was reported during his flight. The story appears in virtually every UFO book about the Black Knight case, but there's no record of any such thing from NASA, from the radar station personnel, or from any contemporary source. It's purely an invention of modern writers.
So that leaves us with Endeavor's STS-88 flight, and their startling photographs of a spacecraft. There are a lot of things wrong with this part of the story. First of all, the shuttle always flew in a semi-equatorial orbit, as does the International Space Station. An object passing in a polar orbit would have gone by at tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, far too fast to be visible, and certainly far too fast for so many high-quality photos to be taken. During one of the astronauts' EVAs, a thermal blanket was lost and drifted away — silver on one side and black on the other. It was photographed extensively. It was crumpled and formed an odd shape. If you didn't know what to expect, the average person would have no clue what it was. But, unfortunately for the legend and fortunately for the astronauts, it simply wasn't an alien satellite.
I had a lot of fun learning more about this story. I learned a lot of history and some astronomical facts I didn't know. I'm glad I took the trouble, because if I had simply accepted the story that there's an alien satellite orbiting the Earth, I'd be wrong and I wouldn't have learned anything new. Worse, I'd have made a logical error, in being forced to accept a whole galaxy of wrong assumptions in order to shoehorn an improbable alien satellite into my reality. Neither legend nor mere debunking lead anywhere useful; it's only by tracking down the true facts that we earn the real rewards.

NASA STS-115 UFO Sighting in outer space

Several days ago NASA scrubbed landing over what it called "debris" floating outside the Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-115. The first sighting was a long, dark rectangular object that appeared to be keeping pace with, or in the same orbital path as the Atlantis.

Watch the video by clicking below link and you can also hear communication between Shuttle and Ground control;

NASA Apollo 16 UFO Sighting

An alleged photographic piece of UFO evidence occurred on the 1972 Apollo 16 moon mission when astronauts returned to Earth with several film cannisters, one of which showed something intriguing above the lunar surface -- something that looks very much like a "classic" flying saucer.

Watch the video by clicking following link;

Astronaut Leroy Chiao Opens Up About His 2005 UFO Sighting

In 2005, astronaut Leroy Chiao was commander of the International Space Station for six and a half months. During a spacewalk with cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov, the two were installing navigation antennas. They were 230 miles above Earth, traveling at over 17,000 miles per hour, when something unusual caught Chiao's eye.
"I saw some lights that seemed to be in a line and it was almost like an upside-down check mark, and I saw them fly by and thought it was awfully strange," Chiao told The Huffington Post.
Chiao's fellow spacewalker, Sharipov, hadn't seen the lights because he was facing the opposite direction.
This experience, recreated in the above video (and still image below), launches "NASA's Unexplained Files," one of several programs presented as part of Science Channel's week-long "Are We Alone?" series, beginning March 2.
A down-to-Earth explanation is offered for Chiao's sighting: the bright lights of a fishing boat hundreds of miles below him. But is that the only possible interpretation of what the astronaut saw?
It's easy for many to have no doubt that he witnessed an intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft. But Chiao doesn't believe there's ever been any tangible evidence that someone else is visiting Earth or has done so in the past.
"I'm skeptical of claims that we've been visited by aliens from another planet or other dimension, but I don't rule it out 100 percent. I have an open mind and I do believe there's other life in the universe.
"If there is life out there that's so much more advanced than we are and they know either how to travel great distances in short amounts of time, or they're able to come from a parallel universe into ours, why don't they just come and show themselves?"

In the following video astronaut Dr. Leroy Chiao explains his experience.


Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., sixth man to walk on moon

Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point, but certainly were at one time, that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge or not permit it to be widely disseminated. ... People in high level government have very, very little, if any, valid information about this. Most have no more knowledge than the man in the street. ... [As to] the question, "How could it be kept secret?" It hasn't been kept secret. It's been there all along. But it has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn't come out. ... I believe it is a very important effort that we get Congressional oversight of all this.

Positive Remarks of UFO by Government Officials

Positive remarks about UFOs by government officials

Brian O'Leary and Dr. Musgrave are not alone in their assertion that UFOs and RTs are a reality. In past years other NASA personnel have struggled to get the word out. Such space-faring luminaries as Gordon Cooper, Donald Slayton, Gene Cernan, Frank Borman (former chairman of Eastern airlines as well), Neil Armstrong and Scott Carpenter… all insist UFOs are real and alien intelligences exist.
These astronauts are not alone among famous and respected people who have had experiences with UFOs. Here are some famous quotes by government officials:
"I can assure you that, given they exist, these flying saucers are made by no power on this Earth."
-- President Harry S. Truman, 4 April 1950, at a press conference.
"While working under President Eisenhower,I discovered that Eisenhower had a keen interest in UFOs, but that he came to realize that he had lost control of the subject".
-- Brigadier General Steven Lovekin
"The US Airforce assures me that UFO's pose no threat to National Security."
-- President John F. Kennedy
"We must insist upon full access to disks recovered. For instance, in the LA case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."
-- J. Edgar Hoover
"I certainly believe in aliens in space, and that they are indeed visiting our planet. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities."
-- Senator Barry Goldwater (1965)
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the governments knowledge of extraterrestrial UFO's at this time. I am still personally being briefed on the subject!"
-- President Richard M. Nixon
"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment President Gerald Ford (during his years as a US Congressman).
It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the Moon. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky.
-- President Jimmy Carter
"I looked out the window and saw this white light.It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said,Have you ever seen anything like that? He was shocked and he said, "Nope." And I said to him: "Let's follow it!" We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light.We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it."
-- President Ronald Reagen (Describing his 1974 UFO encounter to veteran newsman Norman C. Miller, then Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal.)
"The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously."
-- Mikhail Gorbachev
"All our astronauts have seen these objects but have been ordered not to discuss their findings with anyone."
-- Dr. Garry Henderson
[ Source: » The Aetherius Society ]
A quote from former CIA Director Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter in a New York Times article dated Feb. 28, 1960 is quite revealing:
"It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel."
Why was this quote buried on page L30 of the Times and not reported widely in other media at the time?
The U.K.'s former Chief of Defense has also publicly stated,

"I have frequently been asked why a person of my background — a former Chief of the Defense Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee — why I think there is a cover-up [of] the facts about UFOs. Governments fear that if they did disclose those facts, people would panic. I don’t believe that at all. I’ve said so in print. There is a serious possibility that we are being visited by people from outer space. It behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want."

NASA STS-115 Mission UFO Sighting

STS-115 was a Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS) flown by Space Shuttle Atlantis. It was the first assembly mission to the ISS after the Columbia disaster, following the two successful Return to Flight missions, STS-114 and STS-121. STS-115 launched from Pad 39-B at the Kennedy Space Center on 9 September 2006 at 11:14:55 EDT (15:14:55 UTC). The STS-115 crew delivered and installed the P3/P4 truss structure on the International Space Station. Three spacewalks were carried out to put the new P3/P4 truss in service. Spacewalkers Joseph R. Tanner, Heidemarie M. Stefanyshyn-Piper, Daniel C. Burbank and Steven G. MacLeanCSA connected power cables and activated gear readying the P3/P4 and its unfurled solar arrays for power generation.
There were four different types of UFO phenomena observations during the STS-115 Space Shuttle flight.
The first sighting was a long, dark rectangular object that appeared to be keeping pace with, or in the same orbital path as the Atlantis. The transparent UFO appears in the right hand corner, while astronauts film the falling fuel tank.

NASA STS-80 UFO Sighting Amazing !!!

NASA STS-75 Mission UFO Sighting

NASA STS-75 “Tether Incident” – UFO flightpath tracking/stabilization
(Extended Version)
One of the most controversial segments of video footage in the NASA archives is the TSS-1R “tether incident” footage, shot back in early 1996 during shuttle mission STS-75. As compelling as that original raw video is however, the addition of flightpath/velocity tracking plots and the application of Image-Stabilization/Shake-Reduction techniques can provide a new and more revealing way of analyzing what is considered by many to already be some rather impressive evidence. For a brief description of the Flightpath/Velocity animations shown, please refer to the write-up I did that is attached to the earlier short demo version located here - IMAGE STABILIZATION/SHAKE-REDUCTION In addition to the three flightpath/velocity “stable sequences” analyzed in this presentation, I have also included several pan/tilt/zoom “shake sequences” from the raw flyby footage as well, showing those segments with “Image-Stabilization/Shake-Reduction” applied in an effort to make them easier to interpret. In those motion-corrected examples, I elected to use the highly visible 19695-meter-long free-drifting tether as the target
feature to match and mount each successive frame of raw footage to. Unfortunately, there are several negative factors related to the camera system employed to shoot this footage, and together those issues serve to make these scenes rather difficult to properly stabilize. Firstly, any pan or tilt commands sent to the camera’s two-axis PTU (Pan/Tilt Unit) result in very abrupt shifts to the FOV which are immediately followed by a brief period of servo/clutch bouncing. This bouncing effect is caused by the PTU having to absorb the inertial forces generated when the mass of the camera body (mounted to the PTU) was rapidly panned and/or tilted. The lack of positive control where the camera struggles to return the scene to a normal
stable state is most obvious in the higher magnification sequences, with the “bouncing” effect appearing to be due to the astronauts sending the camera movement commands to the PTU using what was called HIGH-RATE control mode (12 degrees of camera movement per second) rather than the far-less-abrupt LOW-RATE movement setting (1.2 degrees per second) that should have been employed. Stabilization of these shake sequences is further complicated by the gamma, gain and iris (f-stop) control settings of the camera, which during the tether flyby appears to have been set in what was called “Black Stretch” (or “night”) mode. “Black Stretch” provided the astronauts and MCC an additional gain output capability that improved the camera’s low-light viewing characteristics, but an undesired consequence was that whenever the rapid (HIGH-RATE) camera movement occurs and the FOV bounces, it results in rather severe contrast trailing effects (residual ghosting) that bleeds light off each visible object in a direction 180-degrees opposite of the
camera movement. This obfuscates the scene by significantly lowering the number of stable (or near-stable) frames available for inclusion in the shake-corrected sequences. Making matters even worse is the fact that we are forced to contend with an absolutely brutal contrast gradient/reflection that reveals itself across
the full FOV during each of the zoomed-in sequences. The appearance of this gradient and its effect on the scene during stabilization can be seen quite readily in the sequence I show starting at the 2:15 mark. When the initial camera movement and follow-on bouncing occurs in the raw footage, the gradient remains essentially stable while the objects in the FOV move around. When the scene is stabilized however, the camera movement is effectively canceled out but the once-stable gradient/reflection, because it is a product of the camera/lens system, now appears to bounce in the FOV instead, with the gradient divide crossing back and forth over the relevant objects in frame and blurring them further. Still, even with all those negatives working against us, these motion-corrected sequences do provide a different and slightly cleaner look at the tether footage, so I felt they were worthy of inclusion here.

Following is the video....

UFO Over Cavehill, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Eyewitness states: 
I filmed this strange entity slowly moving west, behind the Cavehill in Belfast..

The thing looked like it had legs at one point, then just at the end you will see it seems to double up the image, which seems to be common with the inter-dimensional things I'v filmed in the past, the orbs and probes have doubled up a lot of times when filming This entity seems to have two orbs within it, you will see the strange behavour of it, sorry for the shaky footage, but when you see something like this in the sky, you grab the cam and start shooting.. as i did.. and lucky enough after i got the camera steadied up a bit, i zoom in on a swift flying 'small fast bird', which i thought was the 'thing', then i pan over to the right to where the entity is, it was good to get the bird in the same footage, as it gives a perspective of what I'm capable of filming.

This the the second time iv filmed one of these entities, and iv no doubt i'll film one again, they are being filmed more every day, all around the planet. The activity in the skies lately is astonishing at ties, and the multi coloured living haze can be a bit of a trip at times, some seriously strange ''cloud'' formations lately also...
Keep an eye on the sky, and a camera close by...

Saturday, 5 July 2014

UFO Over Turkey in a Market

The witness writes...

I was walking down the market street when i snapped a picture of the people and markets. I first detected the object in the picture when i was home shuffling trough my pictures. I first thought it was a lamp hanging. but then i remembered it was no other lamps hanging in the air. I cant believe my camera caught this! There seems to be no other reaction from the people walking down the market street. Very odd looking , but very typical saucer shape.

UFO Over Turkey

The witness writes...

I was focusing on the flight of a helicopter of the Argentina's Federal Police  when I saw in my viewfinder the sudden appearance of the unidentified object that was higher up and farther than may be seen in the image. Watching this appearance out of nowhere, I rushed to attempt to take another picture but it had already disappeared with the same speed with which it appeared. Was as if it had vanished into the air.

UFO Sightings by Astronauts

Here is the list of famous astronauts who claim to have UFO sightings over the period of time;

1. Major Gordon Cooper
2. Donald Slayton
3. Major Robert White
4. Joseph A. Walker
5. Commander Eugene Cernan
6. Ed White and James McDivitt
7. James Lovell and Frank Borman
8. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin
9. Maurice Chatelain
10. Scott Carpenter

Their experience of UFO sightings have been detailed in the following link.

Glowing UFO During Day Lasts Two Hours In Chile Says Miners, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Impact has grown from the Director General of Civil Aviation of Chile (DGAC) of an image showing a UFO (unidentified flying object) soaring in the sky.

A detailed image shows the bright object was recorded by Minera Collahuasi workers and was nearly 4300 meters high.

Those who have seen it said the sighting lasted for more than two hours, shining and moving more than 600 feet above the ground. So far no one knows what it is.

Leaked UFO Footage near space shuttle on NASA

Leaked UFO Footage near space shuttle on NASA website gets its way to public, UFO Sighting News.

Eyewitness who first found the video on a NASA website states that he contacted NASA about the video and they responded to him that, "NASA can neither confirm or deny this is from any space shuttle mission. Furthermore we are not at liberty to discuss or comment on what the object in question may be."

Shortly after receiving the response from NASA, the video disappeared from their website. Apparently this UFO footage was placed on their site by accident and was not meant to be seen by the public.

STS-48 NASA UFO Footage

When it comes to real footage of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission is definitely one at the top of the list. This footage is real, well documented, and has been the subject of rigorous scientific investigation by multiple researchers and institutions. (1)(2)(3)
The video below shows as many as a dozen objects moving in unusual fashion. Apart from that, the most fascinating part is when we see one object at a point near the horizon, as a flash occurs, followed by another object or stream that moves rapidly across the field of view, the object shoots off into space.
Explanations have varied from intelligent extraterrestrial spacecraft, to space weather events and more. There is however, no definite explanation, and many of them don’t take into account the dozens of objects that are captured on film.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any kind of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (4) -Dr Brian O’leary, Fmr NASA Astronaut, Princeton Physics Professor
This might be some of the evidence O’leary (quoted above) is talking about. I have personally had a craft sighting that looked exactly like this one, minus the flash of light. I saw the object travel towards me, stop and then shoot up into space at a ninety degree angle a second or two after it stopped.
Dozens of governments have declassified thousands of pages of UFO related documents within the past few years. As a result, we’ve seen high-ranking military and political personnel step forward and share what they believe to be true. Not long ago, Canada’s former Minister of National Defence said that there are “at least 4 known alien species visiting our planet.”

The UFO subject continues to gain some much deserved attention as we move through 2014 and beyond.


Another strange object caught on the ISS Live Stream feed - June 29, 2014.

Another strange object caught on the ISS Live Stream feed - June 29, 2014.

Could be a space vehicle in orbit? Or is it just a strange cloud formation?

Bizarre 'rotating' object spotted over London (Report by Mirror, London)

Bizarre 'rotating' object spotted over London
A series of photographs showed a black, rotating object complete with a light in the skies above the capital.  It later floated off in the direction of Highbury and Islington.

This bizarre object was spotted over London today - prompting some to speculate it could be a UFO.
The strange sighting was seen at around 1.30pm in north London.
It was pictured by a member of the public who posted it on Facebook under the name Mixtris UFO-images.
Writing on the social networking site, the user wrote: "I captured this object a couple of streets away from where I live.
"The object appeared black in colour and was rotating as it moved along.
"I captured nearly 5 minutes of video before I lost sight of it floating in the direction of Highbury & Islington. I'm not sure what this object is. I thought it was a balloon, but there appears to be a light on it."

Two UFOs Filmed Over Irvine, Orange County, California, USA on 18 June, 2014

Earlier we reported "Two UFOs Filmed Over Irvine, Orange County, California, USA on 18 June, 2014."

Five days later on 23 June, 2014 another UFO sighting filmed over Murrieta, California. Murrieta is a city in southwestern Riverside County, California, United States

According to eyewitness testimonial, "these 12 lights appeared out of nowhere and hovered for a long time, while some slowly dropped out of sight, all the while hovering over the mountain top.Video is taken from my bedroom window facing South West". 

Sighting Over Ottawa Ontario on 26th June, 2014

New video of a bright unknown object flying across the night sky above Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. This was taken on 26th June 2014.
Witness report: On the 26 of June 2014 at approximately 2230-2240hrs I was in my back yard which faces north setting up my telescope for a night of observing.
As I was aligning the telescope I noticed a bright orange light traveling south towards my location. It is not uncommon to see aircraft with landing lights heading in this direction however as I kept watching it appeared to be moving at a high rate of speed and in a southern direction. As it passed it remained the same orange colour from front to back and I was not able to see any aircraft marking strobe lights. I also was not able to hear any noise from the object as it passed.
Thinking little of it I continued to set up my telescope however a few seconds later I observed another orange light, of the same size following the same flight path followed a few seconds later by a second orange craft just to the west, this second craft appeared to be catching up to the first slightly.
I was able to take a picture of the second object as it passed overhead and disappeared when it was blocked by the houses.
Seconds later another object appeared again following the same flight path. I was able to get a video with my cell phone of this object. In the video it looks like there are two craft as one is bouncing around the other however there was only one and the second light must have been a reflection in the eyepiece of the camera. Also the video makes the craft appear to shake, this was caused by me moving in the back yard trying to capture it as long as I could before it disappeared behind the houses.
I have lived in this area for almost 10 years and have an interest in aviation and familiar with aircraft flying overhead, I have never observed anything similar to these lights. Further from this area I have seen many satellites including several passes of the international space station. These objects were much larger and brighter than any satellite I have seen and as a speed reference I would say they were moving twice as fast as the iss would travel. Further the light remained consistent on all of the objects as they passed by.
Author (source: mufon)